Sunday, October 30, 2011

a few explanation about app2sd

There are 3 types of app2sd :

  1. app2sd normal (not partition sdcard) usually use 'move2sd enabler' and app2sd application, all files that we installed it can be moved to the sdcard, but even though, not everything can be moved to the SDCARD (maybe some system files app still in the internal memory) so, more and more, the internal memory will be more fill up quickly if you install many apps. The benefits is not bother to partition ..
  2. App2sd normal (use partition sdcard) The principle is just like the first reply, just the internal memory that used is less than the first one .. so one day later on the internal memory will be full if you've installed a lot of app, but it's much longer than the first.
  3. Extreem App2sd. If this, all apps actually installed into sdcard, so the internal memory will not be full, even though many application installed .. But this one takes that class sdcard high, in order not to lagging at least class 4 .. ...

How to Root/Unroot Xperia X8

Steps :

  1. Install PC Companion on your PC or download drivers x8 link here
  2. Turn on 'debugging mode' on the X8, in Settings> Applications> Development, USB Debugging checkbox.
  3. Dowload SuperOneClick already modded superuser.apk and su it here
  4. Exract then run "superOneClick.exe"
  5. Connect the USB cable from X8 to a PC, but do not select Connect to a PC on the X8, press the back button just let back to home.
  6. Click the root and wait for process is complete, If you've finished will appear Pop-up "Your device is rooted".
  7. If you want unroot, just click on SuperOneClick unroot, but do not forget to allow superuser on your Mobile.

Upgrade Xperia X8 to eclair

How to upgrade to Eclair via SEUS (Online):

1. download software 'SEUS' from site SonyEriccson, size 36 Mb version or version (newer)
2. Install to your computer.
3. connecting internet and run the program.
4. Select your Mobile (X8) Next
5. Wait at least 30 seconds
6. now look at the program ordered plug X8.
7. press and hold the BACK button while plugging.
8. see the program, as told to release, just release.
9. the program will download the software for 130 MB's
10. leave it until finished.
11. X8 should unplug, after the program there was an order to remove.

Root LG Optimus Black v10a - v10b


How to Root:
1. install Gingerbreak
2. Open the application Gingerbreak
3. Click "Root"
4. Wait until  Oblack reboot
5. completed

How to Unroot :
1. Open the application Gingerbreak
2. Click "UnRoot"
3. Wait until  Oblack reboot
4. completed

Root Motorola Backflip

Root Motorola Backflip

Root process requires a PC / laptop which is then connected to the phone using a data cable. phone should also have a microSD.

I assume the rooting process is implemented in the PC / laptop using the windows operating system.

Before process of root, the preparations that needed are:

  • Install adb on your PC / laptop. Please download it here. Take that in accordance with the operating system your PC / laptop.
  • Install the 'motorola usb driver' in the PC / laptop. Please download it here. Take a motorola 4.7.1 drivers motoconnect.
  • Download the files to root. Please download it here. May need to make a user id first before you can download.
  • Extract 'rooting file' above to a folder that's easy to access. I put in c: \ backflip
  • Download from the market 'ConnectBot' and install on mobile phone

Preparing motorola backflip:
  • Plug moto to the PC / laptop using a data cable
  • Make sure USB debugging mode is active. The way is go to the "Settings-> Applications-> Development. Then tick" USB debugging ".
  • Make sure the connection mode to PC / laptop is "PC Mode (Charge Only)"
Start doing rooting from PC / laptop:
  1. Type "cmd" in start menu windows (without quotes). The screen command prompt will appear.
  2. Type "cd 'location' sdk \ tools" at the command prompt windows
  3. Type "adb devices" at the command prompt. Later will come the list of connected devices. If not means a PC / laptop has not been successful in detecting our devices. Try to re-connect the data cable again.
  4. Type "adb push c: \ backflip \ Superuser.apk / sdcard / Superuser.apk"
  5. Type "adb push c: \ backflip \ su / sdcard / su"
  6. type "adb push c: \ backflip \ rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin / data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
  7. Type "adb push c: \ backflip \ / data / local / tmp /"
  8. Type "adb shell"
  9. Type "cd /data/local/tmp"
  10. Type "chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
  11. Type "chmod 0755"

    Now we turn to the device in a state still connected to a PC / laptop:
    • Run 'connectbot' that have previously been downloaded
    • Login as localhost
    • Type "cd / data / local / tmp"
    • Type "./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
    • Wait until it says below. 
     Forked xxxx childs.

    • Press enter and type "exit"
    • Run back ConnectBot
    • Type "/ data / local / tmp /". If there is not any message, it means that process of root successfully.
    • Type "exit"
    • Type "exit"

    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    Flash Original Firmware LG Optimus One P500

    Files needed:

    after you get material, now do this for preparation:
    • extract KDZupdater and install in windows
    • install the driver >>restart your PC, and disable LGE Virtual Modem by: Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Modems -> right click LGE Virtual Modem, select Disable
    • to be more easily, pcsuite software such as Kies, ovi suite, BB desktop manager needs to be disabled first.
    now we entering flashing steps:
    1. turn off Optimus then entering emergency mode by: volume up + BACK button + POWER button
    2. running KDZ_FW_UPD.exe
    3. Select Type : 3GQCT
    4. Select PhoneMode : just try one by one until it can
    5. in KDZ file, choose file firmware that we've downloaded 
    6. select launch software update
    7. Be patient and wait a few minutes until done
    8. When you get finished, unplug cable, now try to turn it on by pressing and hold three buttons: volume down button + HOME + POWER button

    How to Root LG Optimus One with z4root


    Steps to root LG Optimus One:
    1. download z4root app from android market, or you can get from here
    2. copy to SD card then install using file manager
    3. run z4root app then select permanent root
    4. wait a minut... the it will reboot
    5. after rooted, now busybox and superuser has installed

    firmware v10e cannot rooted by this way, so check your optimus by home -> setting -> about phone -> software version

    for v10e use this GingerBreak APK (uncheck star mark)

    auto text in android

    The steps:

    1. first you need to have a Smart Keyboard Pro, please download it here
    2. and then download auto text here namely
    3. put both files on sd card
    4. install Smart Keyboard Pro
    5. after installed put '' in the sd card / smart keyboard pro /
    6. open setting>>locale and text>> and then checklist Sart Keyboard Pro
    7. select backup setting, choose restore from sd card, confirm OK or Yes
    8. back, select Text Prediction
    9. Auto Capitalization (Check) Show sugestion (Check) Auto compate (Check) Space after picking (Check) Always sugest (Check)
    10. otherwise unchecked no matter
    11. back again to locale and text
    12. Select Input Method choose Smart Pro Keyboard
    13. good luck

    beautiful widgets apk

    beautiful widgets

    beautiful widgets is pretty good app, its have have 5 types of display among which
    - widget clock+weather size 4x2
    - widget clock+weather size 4x1
    - widget for shortcut, a kind of GPS shortcut, brightness, etc.
    - widget weather size 1x1
    - widget weather size 4x1

    if the animation file is installed, then the animation will appear stating current weather conditions, such as rain then there will be animated rain, when lightning, it would appear animated of lightning

    and most importantly of all its skin
    both clock, weather, the quick on / off, can be downloaded, just select according to taste ...

    download beautiful widgets apk here
    and weather animation here

    Friday, October 28, 2011

    tutorial to change font in android for free

    change font in android

    As we know, change font in android via 'get fonts online' is paid

    so try little tutorial below, in order to display your android can be customized with your taste, without having to spend

    below are the steps

    1. android must already rooted
    2. Download font changer app free from android market 
    3. or download it from mediafire
    4. install to your android
    5. after installed, Now insert font file (usually file that have .ttf extension) that you want to install. to folder sdcard/ .fontchanger /
    6. open font changer app, and then follow the instructions to finish

    How to change default Gmail account in android

    change default Gmail account

    (rooted device only)
    open Root Explorer or Android terminal
    go to root folder /data/system/
    delete accounts.db

    (unrooted device only)
    do Factory Reset open Settings > Privacy > Factory data reset.
    by this way, all our data will be lost including contacts, sms, applications, etc.

    so think twice, what is your cell phone 'root' or 'unroot'

    Root Galaxy Tab 10.1 by recovery mode

    Root Galaxy Tab 10.1 by recovery mode

    what are benefits of 'root' :
    - you can install market enabler and other apps that need super user authority
    - you can install ROM manager to install ClockWorkMod
    - you can install Titanium Backup this is useful for backing up your data

    Steps :
    1. Download this file don't extract
    2. insert the file into folder 'root' in the galaxy tab
    3. Turn off tab
    4. Turn on tab, when it appears the words 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1' immediately press the 'volume down'. This is mean to enter into recovery mode
    5. screen turns into 2 options (left recovery mode - right download mode)
    6. select left using 'volume down' button
    7. press the volume up to confirm
    8. wait, and you will go into recovery
    9. Apply updates (choose file by vol up / down) (the file was downloaded in step 1)
    10. reboot

    you have rooted

    Now install the ClockWorkMod

    what are benefits of ClockWorkMod :
    - CMW is useful for backing up rom and all app
    - useful if you want to claim, without having to install one by one

    Steps :
    1. search program 'ROM Manager' in the market
    2. install it
    3. in the 'rom manager' on the top option there is "FLASH Clockworkmod Recovery"
    4. select it and wait for the progress to complete
    to use ClockWorkMod, go to recovery mode as way as to rooting in the earlier step...

    APK Samsung Galaxy S2 had been removed

          Name                    Size
          AccuWeatherDaemonSer..>    25K  
          AnalogClock.apk           590K  
          BuddiesNow.apk             46K  
          ChocoEUKor.apk            487K  
          Days.apk                  1.7M  
          DigitalClock.apk          130K  
          DualClock.apk             906K  
          EmailWidget.apk           881K  
          GameHub.apk               819K  
          GenieWidget.apk           883K  
          Kobo.apk                  3.4M  
          Maps.apk                  6.4M  
          MiniDiary.apk             3.7M  
          MinimalHome.apk           4.4K  
          MusicHub_U1.apk           4.8M  
          PanningTryActually.apk    1.5M  
          PressReader.apk           3.6M  
          Protips.apk                99K  
          ReadersHub.apk            1.4M  
          SamsungApps.apk           3.4M  
          SamsungAppsUNA3.apk        91K  
          SamsungIM.apk             4.8M  
          SamsungWidget_News.apk    765K  
          SamsungWidget_Progra..>    38K  
          SamsungWidget_StockC..>   1.1M  
          SamsungWidget_Weathe..>    10M  
          SevenEngine.apk           5.2M  
          SnsAccountFb.apk          141K  
          SnsAccountLi.apk          120K  
          SnsAccountMs.apk          129K  
          SnsAccountTw.apk          119K  
          SnsDisclaimer.apk          30K  
          SnsImageCache.apk          30K  
          SnsProvider.apk           198K  
          SocialHub.apk             1.3M  
          Talk.apk                  1.0M  
          TwCalendarAppWidget.apk   334K  
          VoiceToGo.apk             7.6M  
          YouTube.apk               815K  
          Zinio.apk                 7.6M  
          fotaclient.apk             38K  
          install_flash_player..>    43K  

    APK default Samsung Galaxy S2

    samsung galaxy s2 default apk. in this posting you can search apk that instlled default on samsung galaxy s2. for you who want to explore and discover your application that missing just find at  samsung galaxy s2 default apk.

    Syncs settings to
    Google servers. Needed for Gmail app notifications.

    Weather Clock Widget

    DLNA connectivity,
    Part of AllShare

    Android Live

    AP News Widget

    Bluetooth app

    Buddies Widget

    Calculator app


    TouchWiz Calendar

    Calendar Sync

    TouchWiz Wallpaper

    Camera app

    (Web?) Certificate
    Installer. When removed, the WIFI will not be turned on (Automatically turned

    Extra font

    app + Clock widgets, Provides Alarm and system clock for other apps

    Analog Clock Widget

    Magazine reader, part
    of readers hub

    When not using Orange,
    can be safely deleted

    Play DRM content

    LCD Test

    Part of Samsung Apps

    Make screenshots

    Part of Samsung Social

    Contacts app; the Call
    log, Contacts and Favorites screens

    Contacts Sync

    Country Specific
    Codes, controls APN settings, etc.

    Needed each boot
    (function unknown)

    Days Widget

    Phone app; Dialer

    Phone sync? Digilezen app

    Digital Clock Widget

    Handles downloading
    files (Market, Browser, etc)

    Downloads app

    Needed for music

    Needed for music

    Provides DRM
    functions, needed to access media files (including ringtones)

    Dual Clock Widget

    POP/IMAP email client,
    needed by the email widget

    Email Widget, requires

    Factory Test

    FM Radio

    3D Photo Gallery app
    (needed for lock screen wallpaper changer)

    Samsung Game Hub

    Gmail app

    Backup Mechanism for
    apps and settings?

    Calendar Sync

    Contacts Sync


    Search box? Need for
    search in Phone app.

    Provides account /
    login information to Google Apps

    Extra font

    Protips widget

    ??? Doesn't seem to be

    IM app

    Track your phone when
    stolen, part of samsung dive

    Internet Browser

    Access your phone from
    your pc using Wifi

    Connect to Samsung
    Kies via Wifi

    Magazine reader, part
    of readers hub

    Tutorial of motion
    sensor shortcuts

    DivX Player

    Live Wallpaper

    Needed for call logs

    Market app

    ForceClose reporting

    Updates app list /
    download list in market? Needed by Vending.apk

    Needed to access media
    files (including ringtones)

    Memo app

    Provides sms and mms
    (text) services

    Microbes Live

    Mini Diary app

    Mini Paper Widget

    Provides sms and mms
    (text) services

    Used to communicate
    with Wifi printers

    Track your phone when
    stolen, part of samsung dive

    Needed to connect to
    Samsung Kies

    Stock Music Player

    Samsung Music Hub

    Files Explorer

    Upload media to remote
    servers? Picasa?

    Provides network
    (cell) location (as opposed to GPS location)

    News & Weather

    Secret Wallpaper

    notification/receiving app

    Needed to install apps

    Used to manually
    install apks (i.e. non-market apks)

    Unknown?; Freezing
    causes crashes in android.process.acore (android OS)

    Part of Image Editor

    Text to speech

    Polaris Office app

    Program Monitor Widget

    Readers hub

    Samsung account (you
    won't be able to open > Settings > About phone > Software update)

    Samsung Apps

    Samsung Keypad

    Samsung MMM Widget

    Fetches the list of
    applications installed on the phone to provide search suggestions.

    Devices settings menu

    Settings sync?

    Setup Wizard when you
    first use your phone, you can manually configure your accounts later when

    Controls the shutdown

    Sim Tool Kit; manages
    multiple SIM cards; SMS services

    Part of Samsung Social

    Part of Samsung Social

    Facebook part of
    Samsung Social Hub

    LinkedIN part of
    Samsung Social Hub

    MySpace part of
    Samsung Social Hub

    Twitter part of
    Samsung Social Hub

    Samsung Social Hub

    Part of Samsung Social
    Hub (needed for IM client)

    Software Update (You
    won't be able to open > Settings > About phone > Software update)

    Records audio samples
    to test speech recognition

    Android user interface

    Streetview for Google

    Swype Keyboard

    Samsung Account (You
    won't be able to open > Settings > About phone > Software update,
    removal causes battery drain)

    Google Talk

    Tasks app (does not
    sync with google tasks)

    Task Manager

    Gives access to

    Part of Video Editor

    Text to Speech. Needed
    by Google Navigator from Google Maps v5+. Otherwise, safe to remove.

    TouchWiz 3.0

    Connect to Samsung

    Dictionary for
    LatinIME(keyboard) / Needed for LatinIME.apk to function

    Video Editor

    Video Player

    Driving Mode, commands
    for music require music.apk

    Voice Recorder app

    Voice Search for
    Google Search, Google Maps, etc

    Connect to VPN

    Wifi Sharing

    Wifi Sharing Manager

    Secret Wallpaper

    Remotely wipe data
    when phone is stolen, part of samsung dive

    Test Wlan Connectivity

    Needed for syncing
    with Samsung Kies

    Yahoo Finance Widget

    Youtube app

    Magazine reader, part
    of readers hub