Root process requires a PC / laptop which is then connected to the phone using a data cable. phone should also have a microSD.
I assume the rooting process is implemented in the PC / laptop using the windows operating system.
Before process of root, the preparations that needed are:
- Install adb on your PC / laptop. Please download it here. Take that in accordance with the operating system your PC / laptop.
- Install the 'motorola usb driver' in the PC / laptop. Please download it here. Take a motorola 4.7.1 drivers motoconnect.
- Download the files to root. Please download it here. May need to make a user id first before you can download.
- Extract 'rooting file' above to a folder that's easy to access. I put in c: \ backflip
- Download from the market 'ConnectBot' and install on mobile phone
- Plug moto to the PC / laptop using a data cable
- Make sure USB debugging mode is active. The way is go to the "Settings-> Applications-> Development. Then tick" USB debugging ".
- Make sure the connection mode to PC / laptop is "PC Mode (Charge Only)"
Start doing rooting from PC / laptop:
- Type "cmd" in start menu windows (without quotes). The screen command prompt will appear.
- Type "cd 'location' sdk \ tools" at the command prompt windows
- Type "adb devices" at the command prompt. Later will come the list of connected devices. If not means a PC / laptop has not been successful in detecting our devices. Try to re-connect the data cable again.
- Type "adb push c: \ backflip \ Superuser.apk / sdcard / Superuser.apk"
- Type "adb push c: \ backflip \ su / sdcard / su"
- type "adb push c: \ backflip \ rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin / data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
- Type "adb push c: \ backflip \ / data / local / tmp /"
- Type "adb shell"
- Type "cd /data/local/tmp"
- Type "chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
- Type "chmod 0755"
- Run 'connectbot' that have previously been downloaded
- Login as localhost
- Type "cd / data / local / tmp"
- Type "./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin"
- Wait until it says below.
Forked xxxx childs.
- Press enter and type "exit"
- Run back ConnectBot
- Type "/ data / local / tmp /". If there is not any message, it means that process of root successfully.
- Type "exit"
- Type "exit"
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